Wednesday, April 20, 2011


It is spring in the central south, it has been dry and we have already seen the temperature climb into the nineties. With spring the chances for violent deadly  weather. We had such storm last week.  Unfortunately  people lost their lives during this storm that ripped across the country. After the storms is the best time to go seeking birds that might have been blown in. Our yearly challenge to see 225 birds is well on its way as we have already seen 127 species of birds. The upcoming trip north will provide great opportunities to see birds. High on the list of must sees is Reelfoot NWR, and Cache NWR these will be areas that we have not been too. Once up north we will bird some familiar  birding areas.

This spring I celebrate my 18th year as a birdwatcher.  I thank Della Hamburg for introducing me to this wonderful exciting hobby. On a cool spring morning  a small group ventured out to Ryerson Woods {Lake County Forest Preserve}. With non focusing binoculars that  were basically junk. We walked down a path Della point out a Red Breasted Grosbeak. I had I never seen such a stunning bird. I was awestruck. His song matched his striking beauty of black, white, a blood red bib. I was hooked a new world opened to me.
Over the next eighteen years my interest has never waned and I never tire  of seeing the same birds over and over. Each time I learn something new about them. I always feel like a guest peering into their world.  Della and I would share  an exciting moment on cold misty fall day.
I saw my first Gold Eagle. Then meet Vic, he opened the world of raptors to me. I spent many hours counting hawks along the Lake Michigan shoreline. I moved south and a new wealth of birding  opened up for me. The first summer I went to Red Slough in Oklahoma. On a very warm  summer day I hiked a trail. At the end of of the trail a flock of a Wood Storks  flew over head. That was so awesome  to see. The best part is introducing Betty to birdwatching. We are partners  and birdwatching has enriched our lives.

Eighteen years later my binoculars have upgraded to Swarovski's, I have added a scope  that works great to see the far off birds. My binoculars are special to me each time I use them I remember my Dad. It through my inheritance that I was able to upgraded my binoculars.  I have field guides looking to add the next level of field guides.

Each morning I awake before seven. I love just laying there to listen the birds sing and chatter with each other.  The star of this group is Enrico Cardinal, his song repertoire is so vast . He sings flawlessly , never misses  a note. Then there is the squawking of Freddy Blue Jay his song  is irregular. He does fairly well mimicking others though.  Then there is the duet team of Charlie and Mike Robin, their song is a rich mixture of tones and notes. Their singing compliments Enrico. Buddy Mockingbird tries his best to outsing everyone else. He is able to hit the higher notes, his songs are covers of the other birds and occasionally he will introduce his own songs. The triplets Roscoe, Robbie, Ronnie Collared Doves. Are the jazz singers of the group their cooing is mournful, sometimes sad just like  great music.  This mixture of songs and music is such a great start to the day. I praise God for his creation, the variety of birds Thar sing their praise to God.

This month I also I am thankful for God's forgiveness, His mercy. After years of running from God and trying to hide from Him. I had just began a relation with Betty. Betty, is the most amazing Christian woman I have ever known. We began talking on the phone the conservation turned to God and the importance of God in her life. God, moved in my heart in a mighty way. Betty, lead me back to rededicating  my life to God.  I am so thankful that God,
is forgiving and for his mercy. This rededicating my life has brought a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God. I have such a  deep thirst to learn and understand  in ways that I never though of. Each door that is opened it reveals  more truth and my seeking to go even deeper.

Happy Easter to all. Rejoice for He has risen.