Friday, October 29, 2010


Today Friday 30 October,a brisk fall start to the day. Temperatures dipped down to the mid 30's last night. Our resident House Sparrow has found the bird-feeder to be a great shelter from the wind. We also have a Junco that adopts a spot too. I am wondering if it was the seem Junco that visited last year.

Today was a quiet day, nothing too pressing. Spent the morning for Betty's therapy. We then mad a quick dash to the Post Office.

We had decided to head north to Lake Fort Smith State Park. To view the colors on the Boston Mountains. The colors were awesome.
We also watched the Turkey Vultures dance across the sky, as they darted in and out of the thermals. Red Tails are being seen more regularly  along the interstate. We tallied five Red Tails perched on their sentry posts.

I heard a very disturbing news report on the they home. A Michigan Abortion Clinic, was disposing aborted babies in the dumpster. Treating them as yesterday's trash. Has this nation become that barbaric that babies are just thrown out. As a nation we need to repent to God, for our sins.

As Tuesday election approaches, it could prove to be the most historic mid-term election in this Nation's history. I am a recovering liberal. President Obama was elected on the premise of great hope. He dashed that hope like a ship smashing into the rocks. His programs have rung up debt that will extend into four generations and possibly beyond. He has proven to be the most socialist president this nation has ever had. I once stood by the Democrat Party, always believing that represented the blue collar voter. Now as my values have changed, my political values have also changed. For the first time since I began voting, I will be voting for republicans. My vote will not be out of anger, my vote will be based upon more on my conservative values. This nation has strayed so far to left, has abandoned the Godly Principles that this nation was founded upon. Our nation has turned away from God. Immorality of this nation is sickening. When the news is flooded by celebrities, infidelity, drunk rampages, drug use etc.Carry these stories on and on.Sexual immorality that has become the rage. We need radical change in our leadership. While I personally hold little hope for that change Tuesday. I hope it will begin up righting the ship.

Today was a good day. Each day I manage the pain that is ever present. Some days it is just a nagging, other days it gives me fits. I try each day to try not let it dominate, some days I am the victor and other days it is the victors. I do my best to not complain about it, keeping it silent. In the past thirteen months I have grown spiritually, a little wiser. When I was fired at that moment I made a choice. A choice that I had never made before in my life. I choose to trust God, to handle my life.
It is amazing how when you get out of the way, let God, work.

That is today's post. Hindsight is not 20/20 vision. Pray for this nation.

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