Monday, November 29, 2010

Winter is at the door

Thanksgiving morning, I was laying in bed, letting the body awake, the stiffness to abate some. I listen to the songs of the morning a Carolina Chickadee, was praising the  new morning. The House Sparrows, Juncos chipped in also. I heard the Collared Doves nasal coo.
All this music was drowned out as a flock of Snow Geese noisily honked above. As though they were praising the fact they would not be Thanksgiving dinner. As the Scissor Tail is the harbinger of spring, the Snow Geese are a harbinger of winter.  They have flown great distances to winter here in Arkansas and points south. They fly in great flocks high in the sky honking as they go. Once on the ground they each family has a distinct sound to help gather the family together. The first few moments are a frenzy to find family members.

Upon the wings of the Snow Geese the cold north wind followed, as though they brought it with them from their summer roosts far north. The lakes around here are dotted with Loons, also arriving from the far north, to escape frozen waters. They settle in on lakes here that won't likely freeze.  Common Loons can be heard yodeling their entire melody across the lakes. Then diving deep into the water, then resurfacing some place else. There are joined by their more rarer cousins the Red Throat, the Pacific, and the rarest of them all the Yellow Bill.
On a rare occasion you are able to spot  all four species in one day. Ducks  seeking warmer waters fly south to enjoy the lakes that are not frigid or frozen over with ice.

The Bald Eagle ventures south to winter, to enjoy ample food supplies. They will build their condos high in the trees. Males will court females and begin a family of their own. They soar high in the sky enjoying the endless blue skies, a little bite in the air.

Winter in Arkansas is mild and virtually snow free, unlike the burtalness of Chicago winters.
Where snow blows, always followed with frigid temperatures that seem to on for days at a time. I laugh sometimes at how Arkansans freak out about a mere inch of snow. How they say it is so cold outside when the temps rarely dip below 20.

The madness of the season is upon us, black Friday has passed, today is supposedly Cyber Monday. I have seen carts piled high with toys, other gifts, that are probably  wel beyond the means of their income. Retailers, hope that this will rescue them from doldrums of lack luster sales. Some how in this mad dash to the finsh line of Christmas, we have lost something. The real meaning of the season Jesus' birth, how that birth came about to  save mankind.  In this busy season take pause and thank God, for bringing His son for son.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, the focus is no longer on the blessings  of  God. Rather the focus has become on the day after that supposedly kicks off the Holiday shopping.  What was once a traditional day has now become a day of shopping. We lose more of our Godly values, as we fail to be thankful for God's blessings.
As a nation we turn further away from God, godly values  that this nation was founded upon.

I know personally for myself the journey of the last fifteen months has been arduous. Each step in that journey has been with God.  From the moment I was fired God, began counseling and teaching me. Throughout my life I always thought that I had a better way then God. That I alone could solve any problem or issue in my life without God. That I miss believed that once I was saved, that life would be easier. God, never has promised that you would be without struggles or trails in my life. Throughout my life the struggles and trails were ones I had created. I only compounded the severity of them by trying to resolve them without God. For the first time in my life I gave God control of my life, during the storm of the last months. I guess with age one does become wiser. I think it is much than that, it is a maturity of my faith. When the storm was about to engulf me God, lifted me onto higher ground each time. God, has truly been so awesome these past months.

I praise God, for his blessings in my life. I praise him for a second chance with him. When I hit the lowest ebb in my life he was willing to forgive me. When Betty, entered my life God, entered my life also. The night I redicated my life to God was so life changing. I had spent years running, trying to hide from God. Listening to the lies of the greatest lair of them all. I was all alone in a very dark place in my life. God's light pierced that darkness, He forgave me. He wiped my slate clean. Like the good Shepard He is He, came for this lost sheep.  I praise God, for Betty, her love for me.  I praise God, for restoring me. I praise God, for my loving daughter Jennifer. I praise God, for the countless blessings he has bestowed upon me. I praise God, for a loving church family I have at Victory Temple. I praise God, for the friendships that I have built.I praise God, for Betty's sons families for being so loving and accepting of me. I praise God, for giving me the talent of cooking, using that to minsters to others monthly. I praise God, for the beauty of His maginfect creation. I praise God, for His love. I praise God, for never giving up on me, even when I gave up on. God's light shines through the darkest momnets of life.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Take time to refelct on God, and be thankful for your own blessings.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Season of Change

Fall is a season of change, where summer ends. The green grass of summer turns brown as prepares for the winter. The vibrant colors of the summer flowers replaced with the colors of the trees. Harsh winds strip the trees bare, their limbs exposed. The warm breezes of summer are a distant memory, as wind blow from the north. The morning air has a crispness, like the fallen leaves under foot. Their many colors spread across the withering grass. Fall brings birds from the north, seeking milder temperatures than the rawness of the north. Eagles, will be wintering here along the bluffs and mountains. Red Tail Hawks sit upon billboards, lamp post, acting as highway guards. Fall will yield gently  to the grayness, harshness of winter. Winters here in Arkansas are wannabe winters, unlike the reality winters of the north.

It is funny how as you age, certain memories become more focused and clearer. You learn that some memories are misplaced in the attic of your mind. Yet other memories become redefined with a clearer truth.
As Thanksgiving approaches, I remember fondly the Thanksgivings of my childhood. The sweet smells whiffing from the kitchen. The distinct aroma of Turkey roasting. A fire ablaze in the fireplace giving the living room a glow and warming the house. My mother arose early that morning to began cooking the huge bird. we always had. Pies had been made the night before. Trying to sneak into the kitchen for a bite to eat, being chased off. Family members arriving signaled that dinner would soon be served. Feeling like royalty the feast was laid out across the dining room table. My Grandfather blessed the food. My Dad began to crave the turkey. Dishes passed around the table, so little talking as food was being eaten. Barely room for dessert, Pumpkin Pie was a must. A slice of Pumpkin Pie with a mound of  whip cream.  Then helping clean-up.
Those memories are sweetly cherished. Seems like a lifetime ago.

Now Thanksgiving has become step-child holiday, almost forgotten. In the rush to have Christmas, retailers to ring in large sales. Christmas, began after the Fourth of July, like a snowball rolling down hill it has become huge retail nightmare. Lost in this madness for shopping is Jesus, the reason we have Christmas. It has become holiday that has removed Jesus. Certain groups of people have taken it upon themselves to make sure Jesus is successfully removed. They find Jesus, offensive and violation of what? We have forgotten our founding fathers, principles of God, that founded this nation. The mere mention of Merry Christmas is frowned upon. The more politically correct term Happy Holidays has replaced it. Political correctness is leading this nation into damnation.  I really do not care if people, clerks are offended by me saying Merry Christmas, I will proudly say it. The more we remove God from this nation, the deeper we go into hell as a nation.

Like changing seasons, I am entering a change, as Friday draws closer. Stand on my faith and trust God that he will provide the correct results. Still this appointment is daunting and scary.  I  have never been real fond of going to doctors.  As I age I understand the purpose of doctors in my life.  Going to an oncologist  brings apprehension. The one doctor you do not want to see hopefully during your life is an oncologist. The mention of cancer,  is a daunting  diagnosis. Like all challenges in my life, I will meet this one head on. I am one not to let pain be the focus of my life, lately that is becoming more difficult.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The heat of the past summer, is now a passed. Fall unfolds slowly. the temperatures drop.
I enjoy Indian Summer, the cool of the night, the mildness of the day. Fall here in the "Natural State" is such pleasant experience. Knowing that the fall will slip into winter without a big hurrah. Unlike the winters of Illinois along the shores of Lake Michigan at times can be bitter. Snow that swirls with the wind as it blows from the north. The endless gray dreary days. The first snow is always beautiful, it quickly turns to a sloppy slush of gray. Each snow is followed by sub zero temperatures. When you are a kid snow is fun. Snowball fights, snow forts outside till you are wet and cold. As you become older you shovel walks earning some pocket money. As an adult snow shovel becomes drudgery and back breaking. Now I am in Arkansas, where winter is more Mother Natures' joke. They become excited about a few inches of snow, the temperature rarely goes below 20 degrees. It is great to go bird watching without the bone chilling cold. I do miss chumming Gulls on Lake Michigan, searching for an elusive Snowy Owls. Winter here are spent finding wintering Eagles, Loons, Geese.

This past Friday we decided to take a road trip to Oklahoma. We took our "Little Green Angel" on it's maiden outing. We went south along Route 71 in Arkansas, to Route 70 going west into Oklahoma, then north on Route 259 through Eastern Oklahoma. It is called the Winding Staircase. We stopped at Beaver Bend State Park. They have a lovely museum on forestry. There were numerous wood sculptures of animals and birds. We added three more birds to our year list pushing it up to 207. We tallied 565+ Turkey Vultures, 45+ Black Vultures, 5 Bald Eagles. The drive was very scenic, we saw how beautiful God's creation is. We tend to be so rushed in our lives, that we often overlook the beauty before us. Fo me personally I strive each day to take time and marvel at the beauty of God's creation.

The feeder is up for the winter, yesterday it was empty. I filled early in the morning, within seconds  a bird text message went out that it was full. Within seconds there was a flurry of activity at the feeder. This morning the Collared Doves found their treat on the patio. It is rather comical to watch them. There was one that had not learned how to share. He was quite adamant about not letting anyone share in the buffet before him. He defended the buffet from any interlopers in getting a bite.  He chased off three other relatives from partaking. He chased one into the wall of the apartment, no serious damage to either.

I am antsy about next week, I am not a very good at waiting. Add to that I am not terribly fond of going to the doctor either. I stand on my faith that God has this in his hands. I am sure the tests will probably be unpleasant. In the past thirteen  months I have learned that God, handles problems, struggles far better than I do. I have learned that you need to get of the way and let God's faithfulness and mercy room to work. God, does not like his faithful ones to suffer unnecessarily. Believing God, does not give you a free pass in life.
When I first believed I thought that I would  have problem free life, that the struggles would be easy. When that did not happen I become angry disillusioned at God. Always asking why. The first years that I believed I lost my Mother, a house, a car. I was angry at God for this blaming Him. I ran from God, instead of running into His arms in times of trouble. I thought it was churches, I church hopped, till I gave up. I guess six years ago after loosing a job of 25 years, a failed marriage I was in the deepest  pit. Then I found a love like any I had known. She led me back to Christ, I redicated my life. I am wiser ( I think) now, I am maturing in my faith. I understand God at a deeper level. For the first time in my life I realized that my way, my control is not the best. That God, manages my life much better then I have ever. As I face this next mountain before me I have faith that God. will move it.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

For Today 4 November

Today is the 4th of November, I love fall days. Windows are open the morning air has just a bite to it. The afternoon sun warms the day comfortably. This fall in the "Natural State". The trees were decked out in their fall fashion colors of golds,reds, yellows. Quite striking against the blue sky. Only saw two Red Tail Hawks today. The seem to respect each others territories, evenly spaced boundaries.

Life is like snapshots, each snap shot a memory. I have adopted the "Natural State", as home. Days like this I miss being at the Hawk Watch, along the shores of Lake Michigan. I fondly remember the hours watching for hawks to crest over the horizon. Birding here has been as equally rewarding. I never tire of watching the American White Pelicans or the Eagles that winter here. Or the marvel of a Turkey Vulture scooting across the sky without a wing beat. Or the first time I saw a flock of Wood Storks. The long walk in the heat to be rewarded with a breathtaking view of them as they crossed the sky above me.

This past year has been a year of facing giants, I have shouted my God is bigger. It has been a year of personal reflection, taking a deep personal inventory. God has dealt with me in a very intimate way. I have God whisper to me in such powerful ways. After years of being a workaholic, striving for perfection in the job I did. I realize the great sacrifices that were made in trying to achieving that brass ring. The years of not spending Christmas at home, instead working. How my family suffered from the weird, long hours I put in each day. In the long run it really was not worth it at all. I was never appreciated for the extra effort. In the end of 35+ years there were no hurrahs, no glory. God, has shown me  such a deep love, deep faithfulness. I think about the years that I spent angry at God. God, is so forgiving, all you have to do is ask for his forgiveness. That walks in the valley are indeed better with God, holding your hand. God, will always see through the valley. When you are the weariest you will carry you. As I walked in the valley, I have learned to wait upon God. That I could not become impatient, that I needed to learn the lesson from God.

The one doctor that a person does not want an appointment with is the Oncologist. Even the mention of discussing the big "c" word is dreaded. As I faced the mountains in this past year, I stand on faith. Faith that God, is the greater healer. That God still performs miracles even today. That the tests that are forthcoming will be negative. I stand in faith with God, that he already has already handled this. Praise God.