Fall is a season of change, where summer ends. The green grass of summer turns brown as prepares for the winter. The vibrant colors of the summer flowers replaced with the colors of the trees. Harsh winds strip the trees bare, their limbs exposed. The warm breezes of summer are a distant memory, as wind blow from the north. The morning air has a crispness, like the fallen leaves under foot. Their many colors spread across the withering grass. Fall brings birds from the north, seeking milder temperatures than the rawness of the north. Eagles, will be wintering here along the bluffs and mountains. Red Tail Hawks sit upon billboards, lamp post, acting as highway guards. Fall will yield gently to the grayness, harshness of winter. Winters here in Arkansas are wannabe winters, unlike the reality winters of the north.
It is funny how as you age, certain memories become more focused and clearer. You learn that some memories are misplaced in the attic of your mind. Yet other memories become redefined with a clearer truth.
As Thanksgiving approaches, I remember fondly the Thanksgivings of my childhood. The sweet smells whiffing from the kitchen. The distinct aroma of Turkey roasting. A fire ablaze in the fireplace giving the living room a glow and warming the house. My mother arose early that morning to began cooking the huge bird. we always had. Pies had been made the night before. Trying to sneak into the kitchen for a bite to eat, being chased off. Family members arriving signaled that dinner would soon be served. Feeling like royalty the feast was laid out across the dining room table. My Grandfather blessed the food. My Dad began to crave the turkey. Dishes passed around the table, so little talking as food was being eaten. Barely room for dessert, Pumpkin Pie was a must. A slice of Pumpkin Pie with a mound of whip cream. Then helping clean-up.
Those memories are sweetly cherished. Seems like a lifetime ago.
Now Thanksgiving has become step-child holiday, almost forgotten. In the rush to have Christmas, retailers to ring in large sales. Christmas, began after the Fourth of July, like a snowball rolling down hill it has become huge retail nightmare. Lost in this madness for shopping is Jesus, the reason we have Christmas. It has become holiday that has removed Jesus. Certain groups of people have taken it upon themselves to make sure Jesus is successfully removed. They find Jesus, offensive and violation of what? We have forgotten our founding fathers, principles of God, that founded this nation. The mere mention of Merry Christmas is frowned upon. The more politically correct term Happy Holidays has replaced it. Political correctness is leading this nation into damnation. I really do not care if people, clerks are offended by me saying Merry Christmas, I will proudly say it. The more we remove God from this nation, the deeper we go into hell as a nation.
Like changing seasons, I am entering a change, as Friday draws closer. Stand on my faith and trust God that he will provide the correct results. Still this appointment is daunting and scary. I have never been real fond of going to doctors. As I age I understand the purpose of doctors in my life. Going to an oncologist brings apprehension. The one doctor you do not want to see hopefully during your life is an oncologist. The mention of cancer, is a daunting diagnosis. Like all challenges in my life, I will meet this one head on. I am one not to let pain be the focus of my life, lately that is becoming more difficult.
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