Thanksgiving is tomorrow, the focus is no longer on the blessings of God. Rather the focus has become on the day after that supposedly kicks off the Holiday shopping. What was once a traditional day has now become a day of shopping. We lose more of our Godly values, as we fail to be thankful for God's blessings.
As a nation we turn further away from God, godly values that this nation was founded upon.
I know personally for myself the journey of the last fifteen months has been arduous. Each step in that journey has been with God. From the moment I was fired God, began counseling and teaching me. Throughout my life I always thought that I had a better way then God. That I alone could solve any problem or issue in my life without God. That I miss believed that once I was saved, that life would be easier. God, never has promised that you would be without struggles or trails in my life. Throughout my life the struggles and trails were ones I had created. I only compounded the severity of them by trying to resolve them without God. For the first time in my life I gave God control of my life, during the storm of the last months. I guess with age one does become wiser. I think it is much than that, it is a maturity of my faith. When the storm was about to engulf me God, lifted me onto higher ground each time. God, has truly been so awesome these past months.
I praise God, for his blessings in my life. I praise him for a second chance with him. When I hit the lowest ebb in my life he was willing to forgive me. When Betty, entered my life God, entered my life also. The night I redicated my life to God was so life changing. I had spent years running, trying to hide from God. Listening to the lies of the greatest lair of them all. I was all alone in a very dark place in my life. God's light pierced that darkness, He forgave me. He wiped my slate clean. Like the good Shepard He is He, came for this lost sheep. I praise God, for Betty, her love for me. I praise God, for restoring me. I praise God, for my loving daughter Jennifer. I praise God, for the countless blessings he has bestowed upon me. I praise God, for a loving church family I have at Victory Temple. I praise God, for the friendships that I have built.I praise God, for Betty's sons families for being so loving and accepting of me. I praise God, for giving me the talent of cooking, using that to minsters to others monthly. I praise God, for the beauty of His maginfect creation. I praise God, for His love. I praise God, for never giving up on me, even when I gave up on. God's light shines through the darkest momnets of life.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Take time to refelct on God, and be thankful for your own blessings.
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