Thanksgiving morning, I was laying in bed, letting the body awake, the stiffness to abate some. I listen to the songs of the morning a Carolina Chickadee, was praising the new morning. The House Sparrows, Juncos chipped in also. I heard the Collared Doves nasal coo.
All this music was drowned out as a flock of Snow Geese noisily honked above. As though they were praising the fact they would not be Thanksgiving dinner. As the Scissor Tail is the harbinger of spring, the Snow Geese are a harbinger of winter. They have flown great distances to winter here in Arkansas and points south. They fly in great flocks high in the sky honking as they go. Once on the ground they each family has a distinct sound to help gather the family together. The first few moments are a frenzy to find family members.
Upon the wings of the Snow Geese the cold north wind followed, as though they brought it with them from their summer roosts far north. The lakes around here are dotted with Loons, also arriving from the far north, to escape frozen waters. They settle in on lakes here that won't likely freeze. Common Loons can be heard yodeling their entire melody across the lakes. Then diving deep into the water, then resurfacing some place else. There are joined by their more rarer cousins the Red Throat, the Pacific, and the rarest of them all the Yellow Bill.
On a rare occasion you are able to spot all four species in one day. Ducks seeking warmer waters fly south to enjoy the lakes that are not frigid or frozen over with ice.
The Bald Eagle ventures south to winter, to enjoy ample food supplies. They will build their condos high in the trees. Males will court females and begin a family of their own. They soar high in the sky enjoying the endless blue skies, a little bite in the air.
Winter in Arkansas is mild and virtually snow free, unlike the burtalness of Chicago winters.
Where snow blows, always followed with frigid temperatures that seem to on for days at a time. I laugh sometimes at how Arkansans freak out about a mere inch of snow. How they say it is so cold outside when the temps rarely dip below 20.
The madness of the season is upon us, black Friday has passed, today is supposedly Cyber Monday. I have seen carts piled high with toys, other gifts, that are probably wel beyond the means of their income. Retailers, hope that this will rescue them from doldrums of lack luster sales. Some how in this mad dash to the finsh line of Christmas, we have lost something. The real meaning of the season Jesus' birth, how that birth came about to save mankind. In this busy season take pause and thank God, for bringing His son for son.
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