Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First of September

September has arrived, summer blazes on. There was a brief amount of rain, it brought the temps down to the low 80's. It added a dense humidity to the air. Soon fall will win over the summer heat.

Throughout our nation's history we have excellent, good, mediocre, and horrible presidents. Some have been strong leaders in time of crisis, others have been weak, still others had been very pathetic

We have only one President that has total disdain for this nation. His lack of leadership skills have shown how weak he is.

The latest outrage that he has committed against this nation. Can only be explained that he has a desire to be elevated to the world leadership  stage. His State Department, submitted to the U.N. High commission for Human Rights. For supposed violations of  human rights here in this great nation. How can a American President expose this nation to the world in this way. He puts this nation in the bin of evil nations such as Sudan, Iraq, Iran, North Korea etc. He shames Governor Jan Brewer  of Arizona for her actions to do what this country won't do.

Why does President Obama have such disdain for this country? What was his desire to be President of a nation that he has such disdain for? Those answers will probably will never be answered. We can look into his childhood  for possible answers. His educational background, those that have shaped  his philosophy.

There is historical evidence that this nation was founded on  Christian principles. Documents confirm our commitment to God and his laws.  Patrick Henry stated "It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ" Is God using President Obama to bring us to our knees to repent? To bring this nation back to its original Christian principles?  God throughout this nation's history has discipline this nation when it strays too far from those principles.  President has abandoned those Christian principles that found this nation. God dealt with Kings that have not adhered to His Godly principles.

The rain was welcomed this afternoon. Rain cleanse the air  and leaves a sweet smell afterwards. I do not think even a deluge could was away the stink in Washington DC.  For two years now the garbage has been piling up and its stench. Has President Obama finally gone too far. He is finally exposing his true agenda to the world. The hand God will be upon him.

Till tommorrow we will see where the journey and the odd turns take us. I want to thank Carol A Tabar for her excellent article on American Thinker. Thanks to the late great Paatrick Henry for is insightful prespective.

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