Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Month coming to a Close

September, is about to close, summer fades with it. The blistering heat of this past summer is succumbing to the cool of fall. Today we will won't climb out of the sixties, just to think last Friday is was in the 90's. September is also the anniversary of the last time I worked. In this past year I have had to adjust not working.

There are moments when I miss work, not the pain that went with it. After 35+years of standing on cement floors, the knees have worn out. I gave a lifetime to an industry that destroys the body. While there sweet memories over the last 35 years, the last five are not going to remembered as sweet. I do not think I have ever worked as hard for so little as I have for the last five years. Then to be fired for basically for personal reasons, that to be denied unemployment benefits. The wound is slowly closing and the harsh memories will fade with it. I would have liked to close on a high note and not a low note. God, took me out because I won't  recognize the physical toil it was taking. When it was over I was both a physical and emotional wrecked.
The emotional wounds have all  healed, the physical deterioration continues as my arthritis riddles my body. Some days the pain is bearable other days it can be unbearable. The first hour after waking is the worse, as the night stiffness leaves the body.

During this time that my faith, walk with God has become deeper. For the first time  in my life  I gave God the controls to my life. I did not run from God, I have learned that you can not out run or hide from God. God, has been working in my life this past year in a way  that I have never known or felt. While this year has been a struggle, the struggle goes on. We are now faced with no running car or the means to replace it. Somehow God has the answer, I lean in faith on that promise.

Next month we will be taking a trip to Tyler Texas. To visit Betty's son and his family for a week.
It will be good for Betty to see her grand babies, great to put behind the struggle temporarily.
It will be an epic journey on a bus, I have not rode a bus since the early 70's. I am so sure of sitting for that long. Hopefully we be able to bird in the Holy Grail of birding some.

Most days I am kept busy with projects. One my projects will unfold here in this blog. I have become interested in the history of Fort Smith. I am going to begin to chronicle this city's buildings and homes through photographs.  I will also chronicle some areas where buildings were and what has replaced them. This city has a rich history, was critical link  to travels west, has had several natural disasters, fires. The photos that I will I present will mostly done in sepia to give it a more original feel. Some homes has been preserved, others have been left in ruins, still others have been ravaged by fire. The first home  in my chronicle  is a home that was destroyed by fire during restoration.  The home is at the end of 13th Street, while I am still researching the history. The photos here of the fire ravaged  home shows that one time it was a grand home.
This home is a fine example of a restored home.

Fire ravaged home 13th Street

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Even the Lion could not ward off the fire.

a marker in downtown.
As this unfolds we will travel back to understand the history, its role.

We are in valley and God knows the way out. We trust in Him to lead us out. I am weary of the constant struggle. God, never promised a life without struggle or avenues paved with gold while earth. There is a purpose anf his will be done.

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