Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thoughts for Today

A week ago we were bracing for a winter storm. A storm that headed north of us, we still had six inches. To the north they were dumped on with twenty five inches. It was a new state record a record that had stood since 1918. The great thing about winters in Arkansas  that wintry days do not last. Fast forward to today it is in the mid sixties most of the snow has melted into the ground.

The weather last Saturday was pleasant. When pleasant days come about a field trip is in order. We we grabbed the birding gear headed west in Oklahoma. One of our favorite birding spots is Sequoyah NWR. As we entered  the resident Road Runner greeted us. We drove into the refuge the chatter of Snow Geese could be heard.  We estimated that we saw five thousand plus. Each family has it's own dialect of honk, so family members can be easily located. Young and older Snow Geese were gleaning the field.of left over corn. the field was muddy I kept thinking how does a a white bird stay so pristine. Soon they will be heading north to the Arctic Circle to breed, to raise a family. Then they will return in the fall to enjoy milder winters. They have been doing this for generations. They follow the same migration routes previous generations flew. It is like they almost have a built in GPS. They return in the fall to the same area to winter.

Of late I have been thinking about my mom and how I still miss her. The other day I heard an old Jimmy Dean song called I.O.U. It triggered my emotions and tears flowed freely. My mom has been gone sine 1984.  Still today something will trigger my emotions. The song is about thanking mom for all she had done while growing up. I do owe my mom so many thank yous.
Thank you for nursing me through chicken pox, measles, sore throat, tonsillitis, colds. For being a medic for the scrapes and bruises. How her kiss always made it better. For always providing great meals. For the spectular holiday spreads she put out. For making sure my clothes were always clean. For always listening and for her gentle advice. For always understanding me. For writing letters while I was in the Army overseas. Mom thank you, I know that the debt is paid in full. I love you and miss you.

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